4 thoughts on “Fortschritt / Progress

  1. I loved reading about your move. Congrats! It is so interesting to me to see how people in Germany live, not that it is so different than us but I just love seeing homes/rooms/apartments, how your horses and plants are displayed. Almost like coming for a visit!

    And it has been so HOT there! We had a lot of heat here for a week but now it feels like September!

    1. Oh thank you so much for commenting here! 😀
      I love seeing how people live, too. When I am done, I am bound to take lots of pics for family and friends, I won’t post all of them here, but I can give you the album link, then.Like that, you will be able to walk through my place, so to speak. It will be a while until I am done with everything, though.

      It was (and is again, blerg!) extremely hot. This is not usual for Germany. The highest recorded temperature ever was 40C in the year 1982, so being that close to that mark is not very funny. Usually the summers here in the North have temperatures that range from 25C to 30C. Now we are ten degrees above. o.O I wish I had a swimming pool.

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