
>I believe that those „rolls“ are new leaves. If so, this critter is growing fast!

My orchids seem to feel at home, too, they make new blossoms like mad.
The smaller one has formed those little buds on the tip of the stalk with the blossoms:

And the offshots of the bigger one are also active.
The larger one is already flowering:

And the smaller one has grown considerably:

To see how they looked about 15 days ago, go back to the Indoor Plant Post.

>They are aliiiive!

>Well, of course they are, but they are moving quite a lot.
Remember the climbing plant planning its get away? (Here: http://ailanreanter.blogspot.com/2011/07/indoor-plants-for-change.html)
Well, it has nicely progressed so far- all activity is transfered into this shoot, the rest is not doing anything currently:

And the Calathea should probably be my big role model… When I get up, it is already in the „awake position“ and now, with the sun still around, it is already asleep:

>Indoor plant post

>My Crown-of-Thorns is feeling well and showing it, currently:
(It will hopefully ignore that I turned it around for this photo. *g*)

My Croton got company- I wanted another plant with expressive greenery to go with it.

It is a Calathea. Some googling also turned up the complete name: Calathea roseopicta.
Both like it warm from below, which makes them the ideal candidates for my window sills which get very warm when the heating is on.
The little name-tag said that this plant will fold in for „sleeping“ at night, I am most curious now.

My orchids!
The second branch with flowers is now starting to bloom seriously:

In the pot live two offshoots and both look most promising. The bigger one even attempts to make a stalk for blooming:

This is the smaller one- the knob in the middle might be the start for a stalk, too:

Almost unearthly fragile and delicate:


A post of somewhat fuzzy cuteness will follow soon, stay tuned.