>Home decoration

>To get rid of the soreness in my muscles (Tai Chi last evening *g*), I made an extended round through Bergedorf after I finished weekend shoppings. I found a few nice things to add purriness to my home.
First I have an older sight to show, I finally took a picture of my little starlights on the drawer in my snoozecorner:

Then during the week I found these adorable fake plants:
deco plants

So this is what my kitchenwindow is currently looking like:
kitchen window

Today I found a 100% transparent shower curtain, whee! (Into my shower falls not much light, the more light gets through the curtain, the better.) The curtain has goldfish and Zen-looking stones printed on, pretty neat:
showercurtain fishie

And when I looked into the flowershop just to ogle all the pretty springplants that would not survive with me indoors anyway, I overheard the sales-lady saying to a customer: „And here we have a Zombie plant in a glass, very stylish.“ This caught my immediate attention, LOL!! She repeated it several times, but she meant a „Zamie“ (Zamioculcas zamiifolia).
In one point she was right, though- it looked extremely good in a glass – so good that it was allowed to come home with me:
glassed zamie

And since I like symmetry, I got a glass for my resident Zamie (resident evil? LOL) as well and transferred it to it. Am now curious if it will like it in there. They look very good, though:
glassed zamies

>Summery post

>The petunia has given her last and was dying (drying up from the core while the ends were still blooming) so I waited until the last flowery abundance were gone before I replaced it with those two purry chrysanthemums:

A while ago, when hell and highwater came down, I took those piccies:
big shower
(On my balcony, there where the overflow from the roof comes down- the water stands there centimeters deep, if that happens)

And the reward after thunders and rainings.

And here some piccies of my new deco in my „reading corner“:
lampion fruit electric lights

lampion fruit electric lights

lantern with electric tealight