>And yet another flower post

>…one day I will have bored you all senseless, muahaha. Um, yeah.

‚Cause I can’t stop taking pics of this one:
(Today I went to the market booth where I got it and thanked the seller for having such excellent plants. He was so very happy indeed.)

And the new plants in the flowerbox where the maguerites were- it is either a bad year for those or they simply don’t like me, LOL!!

It contains „Million Bells“ (a subspecies of petunias, often found in „hanging gardens“)

and one „Verbena“:
Both come in many colours.

And then this one wanted to come, too, LOL!! I know, I have complained about these looking like mutant Equisetum (horse tail/ Schachtelhalm) before and now suddenly have one and then it is even not white but rather urple… I know, I know… But sometimes you can fall in love on second glance with flowers, too. ^==^;;;